Sun and Fun Floss
located in Werribee, Victoria
Fairy Floss machine for rent

Fairy Floss machine with storage cart. High capacity commercial machine. Made in USA.
The Baby Fairy Floss machine
Price including Cart
Price without Cart
Rent at $92
Supplied with 50 serves of sugar and sticks.
with 50 serves $199 with 50 serves $169
with 100 serves $216 with 100 serves $186
with 150 serves $233 with 150 serves $198
with 200 serves $250 with 200 serves $220

Extra serves $22 per 50

Fairy Floss machine for bench top

Fairy Floss Cart
For either machine, you can choose your flavour/colour of fairy floss sugar. Maybe 2 or 3 flavours would be fun.
Choose purple grape, banana, blue lemonade, or old-fashioned willy-nilly pink flavour.

A cute fairy floss machine for small parties, producing 2 serves per minute.
It has a steel sugar scoop, and a steel drawer for the sugar. It has 3 compartments for 3 colours of sugar. The bubble cover is a must to protect the food from dust and debris, moisture, and to keep little fingers away. It is for keeping the floss from floating around the room, or being carried away by wind.

A medium size banner comes with the machine and/or the small plastic sign board (below).
Just a bit of blutak does the job. Or can be hung up with ribbon/cord.

To see the size of the small sign, relative to the garage door.
Remember fairy floss is a special treat, not an every day food. So don't worry too much about sugar intake, as a serve has about the same sugar content as a freddo frog, 2 scoops of ice-cream, or a poptop juice pack. Fairy Floss is mostly air!